How to Join
We honestly use your donation for the children who have no opportunities for education to be able to learn.
※JHP is authorized NPO. Your donation is accepted as deduction for contributions.
※Credit cards are also available.
How to donate
When you use Credit card
You can use the following credit cards.
If your card has any of the International bland logos(VISA, MASTER), it is available regardless of the credit card company.
When you use post office
Please ask the nearest Post Office how to deposit your donation into the
JHP account:
Post Bank(yu-cho bank)
Account Number: 00110-4-356264
Account Name: 特定非営利活動法人JHP・学校をつくる会
※Please fill in the communication field purpose of your donation. Please pay the transfer fee on your own.
※If you use the documents for payment in the JHP leaflet, you need no fee.
When you use bank
Mizuho Bank Akasaka branch
Ordinary deposit: Account Number 1844676
Name: 特定非営利活動法人 JHP・学校をつくる会
※If you use a bank, please contact us(03-6435-0812)
Become a member
All JHP activities are supported by our members and your support. Becoming a member of JHP, would you please lend your power? We will inform the members the information about Bulletin (issued 4/year) Activities report(issued annually), news of events sponsored by JHP, attendance of the general meeting of members (usually in mid-May), Cambodia volunteer team, participation in study tour (need additional cost), etc (currently, contents are Japanese only ).
Post Bank(yu-cho bank)
Please ask the nearest Post Office how to deposit your donation into the JHP account:
Account number: 00110-4-356264
Name: 特定非営利活動法人JHP・学校をつくる会
※Please fill in the communication field membership type. Please pay the
transfer fee on your own.
※If you use the documents for payment in the JHP leaflet, you need no fee.
Mizuho bank Akasaka branch
Mizuho bank Akasaka branch
Ordinary deposit: Account Number 1844676
Name: 特定非営利活動法人 JHP・学校をつくる会
※If you use a bank, please contact us(03-6435-0812)
Credit card
You can use the following credit cards.
If your card has any of the International bland logos(VISA, MASTER), it is available regardless of the credit card company.
Donate goods
What we currently collect
・Spoiled postcard
・unused postcard
・unused stamp
・calling card
Please send them to Suzuki building 2F,5-14-2 Minato-ku,Shiba,Tokyo,